Here is the continuation of our course on weblog posts! In previous lessons,we counted on what blog posts are and how to access them on your blog! In this lesson,we will learn how to write posts in html,and hence forth we learn HTMLs themselves!

According to our experience,we've found that most of the people who likes,and or who desires to be or are programmers like I myself likely are not fond of writing posts in doc formats! To me,writing posts in already built-in formats feels indecent as I don't access most capabilities on my document!

What to do then?

Without hestate,I hope this is the only question that pops your mind right now!
say,what then shall I do?" At ease!!
Follow this steps :

    In your dashboard,
  • open New Post,
  • Once done,click on button just above the post box!
hence done,and thus start writing your html post

Writting HTMLs

Now that you are ready to start going along with your post box on htmls,you're really ready to go!

But Wait,What are HTMLs?

I hope this must be the question that is disturbing the internal peace of your brain! sure,you've got a good reason for doing so!!

html is an abbreviation,which shortens the hypertext markup language! As you can read,it is a language used by web servers when sending information to the browser! In fact,HTML is used to inform and teach the browser on how the web document,say web page will be displayed! It is in actual sense,the usual text with additional structuring characters! Markup: simply means to put additional characters on the actual text!
In the next lesson,you will start to learn and build your blogs,and or websites using html!
Presented by: Amin Matola...

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